30 research outputs found

    Reconsidering light transport : acquisition and display of real-world reflectance and geometry

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    In this thesis, we cover three scenarios that violate common simplifying assumptions about the nature of light transport. We begin with the first ingredient to any çD rendering: a geometry model. Most çD scanners require the object-of-interest to show diffuse refectance. The further a material deviates from the Lambertian model, the more likely these setups are to produce corrupted results. By placing a traditional laser scanning setup in a participating (in particular, fuorescent) medium, we have built a light sheet scanner that delivers robust results for a wide range of materials, including glass. Further investigating the phenomenon of fluorescence, we notice that, despite its ubiquity, it has received moderate attention in computer graphics. In particular, to date no datadriven reflectance models of fluorescent materials have been available. To describe the wavelength-shifling reflectance of fluorescent materials, we define the bispectral bidirectional reflectance and reradiation distribution function (BRRDF), for which we introduce an image-based measurement setup as well as an efficient acquisition scheme. Finally, we envision a computer display that showsmaterials instead of colours, and present a prototypical device that can exhibit anisotropic reflectance distributions similar to common models in computer graphics.In der Computergraphik und Computervision ist es unerlĂ€sslich, vereinfachende Annahmen ĂŒber die Ausbreitung von Licht zumachen. In dieser Dissertation stellen wir drei FĂ€lle vor, in denen diese nicht zutreffen. So wird die dreidimensionale Geometrie von GegenstĂ€nden oft mit Hilfe von Laserscannern vermessen und dabei davon ausgegangen, dass ihre OberflĂ€che diffus reflektiert. Dies ist bei den meisten Materialien jedoch nicht gegeben, so dass die Ergebnisse oft fehlerhaft sind. Indem wir das Objekt in einem fluoreszierenden Medium einbetten, kann ein klassischer CD-Scanner-Aufbau so modifiziert werden, dass er verlĂ€ssliche Geometriedaten fĂŒr Objekte aus verschiedensten Materialien liefert, einschließlich Glas. Auch die akkurate Nachbildung des Aussehens von Materialien ist wichtig fĂŒr die photorealistische Bildsynthese. Wieder interessieren wir uns fĂŒr Fluoreszenz, diesmal allerdings fĂŒr ihr charakteristisches Erscheinungsbild, das in der Computergraphik bislang kaum Beachtung gefunden hat. Wir stellen einen bildbasierten Aufbau vor, mit dem die winkel- und wellenlĂ€ngenabhĂ€ngige Reflektanz fluoreszierender OberflĂ€chen ausgemessen werden kann, und eine Strategie, um solche Messungen effizient abzuwickeln. Schließlich befassen wir uns mit der Idee, nicht nur Farben dynamisch anzuzeigen, sondern auch Materialien und ihr je nach Lichteinfall und Blickwinkel unterschiedliches Aussehen. Einer generellen Beschreibung des Problems folgt die konkrete Umsetzung in Formzweier Prototypen, die verschiedene Reflektanzverteilungen auf einer OberflĂ€che darstellen können

    A Study of Material Sonification in Touchscreen Devices

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    Even in the digital age, designers largely rely on physical material samples to illustrate their products, as existing visual representations fail to sufficiently reproduce the look and feel of real world materials. Here, we investigate the use of interactive material sonification as an additional sensory modality for communicating well-established material qualities like softness, pleasantness or value. We developed a custom application for touchscreen devices that receives tactile input and translate it into material rubbing sound using granular synthesis. We used this system to perform a psychophysical study, in which the ability of the user to rate subjective material qualities is evaluated, with the actual material samples serving as reference stimulus. Our experimental results indicate that the considered audio cues do not significantly contribute to the perception of material qualities but are able to increase the level of immersion when interacting with digital samples.Comment: 9 page

    A Calibration Scheme for Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Setups

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    The recent years have given rise to a large number of techniques for "looking around corners", i.e., for reconstructing occluded objects from time-resolved measurements of indirect light reflections off a wall. While the direct view of cameras is routinely calibrated in computer vision applications, the calibration of non-line-of-sight setups has so far relied on manual measurement of the most important dimensions (device positions, wall position and orientation, etc.). In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic method for calibrating such systems that relies on mirrors as known targets. A roughly determined initialization is refined in order to optimize a spatio-temporal consistency. Our system is general enough to be applicable to a variety of sensing scenarios ranging from single sources/detectors via scanning arrangements to large-scale arrays. It is robust towards bad initialization and the achieved accuracy is proportional to the depth resolution of the camera system. We demonstrate this capability with a real-world setup and despite a large number of dead pixels and very low temporal resolution achieve a result that outperforms a manual calibration

    Phasor Imaging: A Generalization of Correlation-Based Time-of-Flight Imaging

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    In correlation-based time-of-flight (C-ToF) imaging systems, light sources with temporally varying intensities illuminate the scene. Due to global illumination, the temporally varying radiance received at the sensor is a combination of light received along multiple paths. Recovering scene properties (e.g., scene depths) from the received radiance requires separating these contributions, which is challenging due to the complexity of global illumination and the additional temporal dimension of the radiance. We propose phasor imaging, a framework for performing fast inverse light transport analysis using C-ToF sensors. Phasor imaging is based on the idea that by representing light transport quantities as phasors and light transport events as phasor transformations, light transport analysis can be simplified in the temporal frequency domain. We study the effect of temporal illumination frequencies on light transport, and show that for a broad range of scenes, global radiance (multi-path interference) vanishes for frequencies higher than a scene-dependent threshold. We use this observation for developing two novel scene recovery techniques. First, we present Micro ToF imaging, a ToF based shape recovery technique that is robust to errors due to global illumination. Second, we present a technique for separating the direct and global components of radiance. Both techniques require capturing as few as 3−4 images and minimal computations. We demonstrate the validity of the presented techniques via simulations and experiments performed with our hardware prototype